The MozyHome® advantage

Online backup and file sync

MozyHome now has the best of both worlds with online backup and Mozy Stash file synchronization.

Any files you like

Family photos. Music. Financial documents. Back up and sync what you want, when you want. You can even create custom backup rules for uncommon file types.

Restore and access

The Mozy restore process is better than ever. Access your files via the Mozy mobile apps, instantly access a few files on the fly from the web interface, or download all your files with just one click. Learn more >

Can't find what you're looking for?

Check out our FAQ for answers to common questions here.

What's your backup plan?

Save time and effort

Backing up data on CDs or external hard drives can eat up a lot of time. You can only manage to do it every so often. And there’s still a chance that these storage devices can be lost, destroyed, or stolen.

Hold onto your latest files

Mozy is 100% automatic. You always have the most recent versions of your files in a safe online environment that you can access from anywhere.


MozyHome supports Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista, and XP (32 & 64 bit), and Mac OS X - all versions

Mozy Business Backup

Why online backup?

Your business data is growing

Digital data is rapidly growing at a rate of 80% each year, and businesses like yours are responsible for maintaining 85% of that information.

Data loss happens

Hard drive crashes, spilled drinks, and accidental file deletion can occur at any time and put your company’s future in jeopardy. In fact, 93% of all companies that suffer significant data loss close down within 5 years!

You need to do more with less

Traditional backup solutions can be expensive and take weeks to implement, leaving your business vulnerable to revenue and productivity loss.

Secure access anywhere

MozyPro files are available to users via the Mozy mobile app. Administrators control access to this feature. Learn more >

The MozyPro advantage

Manage multi-user environments, schedule automatic backups, and monitor the health of your backups from the convenience of a single web-based admin console.

Maximum security

You can count on Mozy’s strict security policies, military-grade encryption, and world-class data centers for optimal data protection of your business’ computers and servers.

Ultimate affordability

Mozy’s new pricing packages save you time and money with no setup fees, no hardware to purchase, and little management required.

